Empowering Communities Through Financial Inclusion


Barwaaqo Microfinance uplifts the underprivileged by providing accessible financial services.

+252-90-7184003; info@barwaaqomicrofinance.org

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Garowe, Puntland State, Somalia
"We are motivated by the desire to bridge the gap between financial resources and those excluded from traditional banking system. By offering tailored financial solutions, we empower individuals and businesses to achieve economic stability"
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~

Our Initiatives


Empower individuals to realize their full potential and take control of their destinies.

Education &training

Equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.


Supporting aspiring entrepreneurs with microloans and business training. 


Promoting sustainable livelihoods through training and access to microfinance.

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Bridging the gap between financial resources and those in need.

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Offering customised financial services to empower individuals and businesses. 

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Creating significant impact by addressing the financial needs of the underprivileged. 


Our Mission

Barwaaqo Microfinance is driven by a mission to empower individuals and communities through accessible financial services, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and create sustainable livelihoods.

Our Vision

The vision is to become a leading force in facilitating economic growth by providing innovative financial products and services while adhering to ethical and Islamic finance principles.

Let the Numbers Speak
Our Co-Values
Barwaaqo Microfinance is dedicated to fostering inclusive economic growth through ethical practices, transparency, innovation, and collaboration, while prioritizing social responsibility and empowering underserved communities.
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Programs Funded
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People Served
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Years Active
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Partner Organizations
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